Dtx day with Scott Mackenzie
Okay guys we have just had confirmation that Scott Mackenzie will be hosting a day with us on Mid Clyde Angling Associations water. Andrew Toft a member of Scotts design team will also be in attaendance for the day.There may be more members of Scott's team there on the day
The Dtx Mackenzie range of rods and lines, will be on show and be put through there paces by Scott and Andrew on the day, as well as avalable for you to try
As usual mid clyde will have hot and cold drinks and a hot roll available on the day
This will be open to everyone members of the public and anglers from all over, To be held on Sunday 27th of May, more details will follow in the coming weeks with venue and times
Scott is 3 times world spey casting champion and worked as a gillie on the river Ness for 22 years and has his AAPGAI casting qualifications
Andrew is the current world spey casting champion tought by Peter Anderson and highly respected for his style of casting in the world of competative spey casting
Andrew has some of the finest casting accreditation in the world he even sat exams in the states check in the link to his site which has some superb stuff on it visit his dvd 's on u tube