Monday, 31 January 2011

Opening Day Info

 Our annual opening day ceremony will be held  at Carmyle. We shall be meeting outside The Banks public house,River road on Satarday the 12th of Febuary at 10.30 am for an 11.00am start
 As usual we will start with a piped march followed by toast to the river and the first cast
On the day there will be hot and cold refreshments as well as hot food,
 At about  12,30 we plan to meet down at the Hoover to try some rods, and show members  some of the productive areas on the sligo water which we are in the process of purchasing
 We shall have rods from 10ft to 15ft  for single and double handed  spey casting from some of the premier rod marques avaliable to try with spey lines and shooting heads
 If the weather is against us we are hoping for quick ceremony then bit of flytying demo rod try up at the Broomhouse community centre
 Everyone is welcome non members prospective members,if you have wanted to start fishing here is your chance,Mum Dad your chance to introduce the kids to Angling even although you dont.
Map with locations

Sunday, 30 January 2011

Fish of the Month

One of our sponsers have started a fish of the month competition,which may be of interest to you guys out there £100 in tackle vouchers, see link below for more details of conditions and how to enter,Who knows it could be you with the season up and coming with a nice Clyde spring fish
Royal Wulff

Wednesday, 26 January 2011

Opening day

We are trying to get the final points put together for the official opening day for Mid  Clyde on the 12th of febuary at Carmyle. Please watch this space for full announcement in the forth coming days.
As usual there will be the piped march, a toast to the river, the first cast and the barbeque along with hot tea and coffee all welcome
 We are also in the process of taking over full ownership and management of the main web site from the web design company .so plese be patient with lack of info just now via the main site, many Thanks
                                    Stoat's Tail

Sunday, 16 January 2011

Notice to members and prospective new members

Please note:
Due to a larger than expected number of permit enquiries, Mid Clyde’s executive would respectfully ask all current members to please notify the Treasurer of their intentions to renew, or otherwise for the coming season.
Priority, up to the middle of March, will be given to existing members. Thereafter, new memberships will be offered to applicants on a first come basis, up to the proposed new membership limit.
To avoid disappointment, please contact
Mr A Queen
50 Glen Ave
South Lanarkshire

Tel 01698 889472
 Shake and Vac
Contacts on web site for permits and outlets

Printable application form

View the full site