Friday, 23 December 2011

Seasons greetings

Mid Clyde Angling Association would like to wish all anglers sponsors and followers a merry christmas and a happy new year

May we also thank all members who attended the recent Agm and gave there support in helping the association in participating in the agm and suporting there committee

Good news announced at the agm we as an association now own the Carmyle fishings that we have been all working hard to achieve,many thanks to everyone who has supported us in this

In the coming weeks we will update things from the agm, taster the main permit prices are being held with very slight change to some non season in recognition of the hard work and continuing support of the membership in these hard monetary times, many many thanks

We were talking at the fly tying last night and we are going to try and have a wee informal meet on the river during the christmas holidays around the new fishings. not yet ideal conditions for bank clearence so we thought nice walk see whats happening poss red identification the usual highlighting poss problems, the kelly kettle will be coming and the good coffee so you will need a cup, might even end up wee stove and a hot roll need to see if Clark catering still does his chargrilled range (burnt black offerings)will get wee post up on this soon
Hope the big guy in the red is kind to you all and your family as generous as you have all been in your time and efforts helping us develop and achieve goals
Take care and enjoy the holidays with friends and family see you all soon


Blogger Vid @ FishClyde said...

All the best from the River Clyde Fishing Forum aswell for 2012.

24 December 2011 at 16:19  
Blogger john taylor said...

All the best as well from the guys of MCAA

28 December 2011 at 14:42  

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